09 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient NanoClaire-hGH (Repilosome-GY) (for Anti-Hairloss)
05 Commercialized finished cosmetic products line OP9 (for Skincare)
10 Commercialized finished cosmetic products line NCGY (for Skincare)
01 Designated as a Military Service Substitution Company by Korea Military Manpower Administration
12 Increased Capital to 955mil Korean Won
12 Chosen as one of the investing companies for early technology industrialization by Korea Development Bank
07 Approved as an INNO-BIZ by SMBA(Small & Medium Business Administration)
01 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient NanoClaire-GY (for Skincare)
07 Chosen as One of the an Export-Competitive Company by Export Support Center for Small & Medium Business
02 Approved as a BioVenture Company by SMBA
04 Regeron Research Institute approved as one of the Industrial R&D Center
from Korean Industrial Technology Association
01 Increased Capital to 355 million KRW
06 Estabilished Regeron, Inc. in Hi-Tech Venture Town, Chuncheon, Kangwon-Do, South Korea
03 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient Clairesome-TG (for Skincare) and
Established Bioassay System for TGFb1 (human transforming growth factor beta1)
03 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient Clairesome-TS (for Skincare) and
Established Bioassay System for TGFb3 (human transforming growth factor beta3)
03 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient Clairesome-CT (for Skincare) and
Established Bioassay System for CTGF (human connective tissue growth factor)
01 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient Clairesome-HF (for Skincare) and
Established Bioassay System for HSP90A (human heat shock protein 90a)
11 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient Repilosome-TM (for Anti-hairloss) and
Established Bioassay System for TMS (human thymosin-beta4)
09 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient Clairesome-AN (for Skincare) and
Established Bioassay System for ApN (human adiponectin)
06 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient Clairesome-FB (for Skincare) and
Established Bioassay System for FGF2 (human fibroblast growth factor2)
04 MOA with Chuncheon City for a Lot Allocation at South Chuncheon BioIndustry Complex
12 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient Repilosome-VE (for Anti-hairloss) and
Established Bioassay System for VEGF (human vascular endothelial growth factor)
09 China FDA Registration Completed for 10 Cosmetic Finished Products (NCGY, OP9, P-Claire, Pristeen, BLDA Brand items)
05 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient Clairesome-BX (for Skincare)
11 Invited Presentation for " Reverse-aging on the skin with protein growth factors" at Business Exchange Program at 10th WIEF
07 Chosen as IP Star Company by Gangwon-Do
04 Chosen as KOTRA Global Brand (Blue) by KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency)
11 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient Clairesome-FA (for Skincare) and
Established Bioassay System for FGF1 (human fibroblast growth factor1)
11 Repilosome-GY-C and Clairesome-GY chosen as Top 10 Innovative Ingredients at In-cosmetics Asia 2013
06 Chosen as the Best Product Grand Prize Recipient at GTI (Gangwon International Trade & Investment Expo)
05 Commercialized finished cosmetic products line Pristine-Claire (for Skincare)
09 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient NanoClaire-VIP (Repilosome-VP) (for Anti-hairloss) and
Established Bioassay System for VIP (human vasoactive intestinal peptide)
10 Two years consecutively chosen as Top 10 Gangwon-Do Inventorship Award Recipient
by Korea Invention Promotion Association
07 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient NanoClaire-EGF (Repilosome-ED) (for Anti-hairloss) and
Established Bioassay System for EGF (human epidermal growth factor)
05 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient NanoClaire-AI (Clairesome-AI) (for Atopic Skin) and
Established Bioassay System for hPL (human placental lactogen)
11 Chosen as Top 10 Gangwon-Do Inventorship Award Recipient by Korea Invention Promotion Association
10 Approval and Registration of Cosmetic Products Manufactiring Facility
08 Commercialized a cosmetic ingredient NanoClaire-LY (Clairesome-LY) (for Anti-wrinkle) and
Established Bioassay System for PRL (human prolactin)
08 Commercialized finished cosmetic products line BioLetDAge (for Skincare/Hair care professionals)
11 Commercialized a finished cosmetic products line Pristeen (for Hair Care)

Biotechnologically, Regeron is a wholly integrated company and the most competitive in manufacturing authentic human growth factors and their delivery systems capable of exhibiting and maintaining respective GF-bioactivity as finished cosmetic formulations as well as cosmetic raw materials.
Long-term GF-bioactivity in a finished formulation is essential and critical to cosmetic outcomes of the GF application even on the intact skin.